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For Wholesale Distribution

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Exceed Your Customers' Expectations

Does your support team have a 360-degree view of each customer?
Can you use support data to inform and improve your products and services?

NetSuite offers self-service support solutions to your customers while empowering your team to meet customer needs with detailed case management, efficient returns, and tracking for field services.

Case Management

  • Empower your support team with a full view of each customer.
  • Escalate customer tickets.
  • Track product defects as you support customer returns.
  • Schedule and dispatch field technicians.
  • Bill field services by T&M, fixed cost or warranty.

Customer Self-Service

  • Offer a comprehensive self-service customer portal.
  • Provide access to orders for tracking and management.
  • Deliver knowledge base content and FAQ.
  • Reduce support time through self-service efforts.

Business Impact

Product Issues

Uncover problem areas through real-time support visibility.

Product Support Costs

Reduce support overhead with self-service options.

Cost to Close

Analyze your support operations to maximize efficiency.

Take the Next Step and Transform Your Business with NetSuite

  • Business requirements: The ERP system should meet your organization’s business needs and align with your operational processes.
  • Scalability: The system should be scalable to meet your organization’s future needs, including growth, expansion, and changing business requirements.
  • Customization: The system should allow for customization to meet specific business needs and integrate with other systems.
  • Integration: The ERP system should integrate with other systems and applications your organization uses, such as CRM, HR, accounting, and inventory management.
  • Ease of use: The system should be user-friendly and easy to use, reducing training costs and ensuring a smooth transition for employees.
  • Cost: Consider the total cost of ownership, including licensing, implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Security: The ERP system should have robust security features to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.
    Vendor reputation: Choose a reputable vendor with a proven track record of delivering quality ERP systems and excellent customer support.
  • Support & maintenance: The vendor should offer reliable support and maintenance services to ensure smooth system operation and minimize downtime.
  • Industry-specific features: The ERP system should have industry-specific features that meet your needs, such as compliance with regulatory requirements or specific reporting capabilities.
  • Experience and expertise: Choose a vendor with a proven track record of delivering successful ERP implementations. Look for reviews, case studies, and references to evaluate the vendor’s experience and expertise.
  • Project management methodology: Check their project management approach and see how they manage risks, issues, and change requests.
  • Team composition: Ensure the vendor has the right team composition to deliver successful implementation, with skilled and experienced members having diverse expertise like functional, technical, and project management.
  • Customization capabilities: The vendor should have customization capabilities to meet your specific business needs and integrate with other systems.
  • Cost: Consider the vendor’s pricing structure, including implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Training and support: Check their training and support processes and see how they will help you and your employees throughout the implementation and beyond.
  • Change management expertise: The vendor should have experience in change management, ensuring your organization can adopt the new system smoothly and efficiently.
  • Communication and collaboration: The vendor should have open and transparent communication channels and foster collaboration between their team and your organization.
  • Data security: The vendor should have robust security features to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Scalability: The vendor should have the capabilities to scale the system to meet your organization’s future needs, including growth, expansion, and changing business requirements